martes, 30 de octubre de 2007

"La Fuerza de Sheccid"

La Fuerza de Sheccid is a novel that was writing by Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez,who wrote about the first love of one teenager. In this novel he tell us how is developing the aproximation of this teenager to his first love and the problems that he happens for that. I thing that is a very fast read because is a book, which always you want to Know what follow and it has an inesperade end.

The teenager is a shy guy and she was impacted for Sheccid (a new student of the college) when he saw her recited in public. All novel treat about the conquist of the girl and the intern fight of the guy for lost his shyness and find the sense of his life.
This novel is a motivations for youngs and teenager that are living your first love because helps their to don´t illusion much in their love because they can have love deceptions. One of your principal objectives is give to Know that the teenager have to stand up when they have downfalls, process that serve their to mature and in the case of the protagonist to discover that your truth vocation is to be writer.

Then of this novel there is other called "los Ojos de mi Princesa" which is a continued of "la Fuerza de Shecid" where the autor continue with the history of Sheccid.

5 comentarios:


wow this book is very interesting and it talk about the lives of two teenagers and most crucial and that caught my attention was that this book has 2 parts. "la fuerza de sheccid" and the true story of sheccid which is "los ojos de mi princesa" which leaves us anonadados with history.

Jhois dijo...

Hi Lilia
This is very good article about the book you have read. This man Cuauthemoc has some many books that help others to reach the success, and they are so good.
I recommend you to read the others books of Carlos


Edgar dijo...

I've never read this book, but reading your short story about it, i'm starting to get interesting on it.

I know that this guy, Cuauthemoc, has some interesting books, I don't remember the names of the books right now, sorry.

geovanny dijo...

I remember when I read this book, was really incrediball, when you like a girl, this book was the inspiration
This book was the first that I read and becouse the teacher compel us but was a graet experience

Vanina dijo...

Hi Lilia, I love this history, it is a very interesting book, I read it when I was in the High school. I remember when I was reading some parts of this book, I cried.... Carlos has a lot of books all of them are really fantastic. Nice article