martes, 13 de noviembre de 2007

I'm going to predict the universe in a funny and fantastic way!!!

The world in general will be other, there will be more and more technology than it is nowdays, there will be more kinds of new animals (mixted ones), for example: dog's face and head and body of tiger... more or less like that!!

The people will have new lifestyle, they will have modern and smaller cars, the houses will be more colorfull, the people will have robots as housekeepers, they will have a lot of technology insite the house, their clothes will be: almost transparent, short, longes, very very colorfull, i think there will be big clothes marts, but not just for mark clothes, there will be otavaleños, saragureños, chola cuencana's clothes, etc. Their hair style will be in many ways, their will be of all the colors as posible, will have extrange types of hairstyles.

The currency in the world will be one for all, but in each country it will be different type of billete or coin, for example in Ecuador the face of the 100 billete will be "el tin delgado"!!!
There will be just one universal languge, and the ones that are now will be just dialects.

There will be a lot of sports for men and women, not just soccer or basketball, it we`ll be also new ones, like "torogoal", it will be like soccer but insted of a ball you will have a bull!!

It`ll be (i hope) no more wars between lands, because their politics or that stuff, the wars will be because they can make better food the ones from the other ones, or because they have better teams in "torogoal", or that kind of things, and the wars will be with out guns or atomic bombs, it will be with water guns, or color guns!!!

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