Brazil is a country in South America, its the fifth largest country by geographical area while Cuenca is the third city of Ecuador located in South America too.
Brazil is bounded by the Atlantic ocean on the east, its coastline is over 7,367 kilometers. On the north by Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana and french Guyana.
On the South by Uruguay, on the southeast by Argentina and Paraguay and with Bolivia, Perú and Colombia to the east.
Cuenca is located between the 2,350 and 2,550 meters above sea level, in the Southern sector of the Ecuadorian Andean Mountain range. Also it is bathed by four rivers : Tomebamba, Yanuncay, Machangara and Tarqui. The Tomebamba river divided the city in two: the colonial city and the new city.
This is Cuenca´s center
Brazil was colonized by Portugal from 1500 until its independence in 1822 while Cuenca was founded by 1557 by the Spanish Gil Ramirez Dávalos and achived its independece in November 3 of 1820.
Brazil has been a Republic since 1889 and its president is Lula Da Silva. Cuenca doesn´t have a president because is a city but its maximun authority is Marcelo Cabrera.
Cuenca is well preserved, that is why it earns the honor of being listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Trust.
This is a colonial street of Cuenca
Brazil is the world's ninth largest economy in terms of pushing power and at tenth largest economy at market exchange rates.
It has good technology, agriculture and exportation.
The pushing power is that the things have one price and this is eficcient in the market and made it more competitive.
On the other hand Cuenca´s economy isn´t as developed as Brazil but it has many things such as gold and silver, also the agriculture is growing and many people is studying and have their career. This make Cuenca a city more cultural and interesting.
The total of the population in Brazil until 2005 was 183,888,841 while in Cuenca is around 400.000.
Brazil is the most populated country in the world.
I decided to compare Cuenca with Brazil because i like both and i wanted to make you see that althougt both are in the same continent, they are very diferent and beautiful.
1 comentario:
It’s a very interesting article. Brazil is one of the countries I want to visit one day of my life. I’ve met some Brazilian girls and they try to teach me how to dance samba but it’s very difficult and I’m very bad.
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