Author: Homero
La Iliada is for my one of most exciting books that I have read.
This book talks about an epic history, a war history which apparently happened between Greece and Troy, eight hundred years B.C. Greece was commanded by Agamenon and his brother Menelao. And Troy was commanded by Hector and Paris.
The history begins when the Trojan Hector and his young brother Paris went to Greece for making peace alliances, on this trip Paris meet to a beautiful woman named Elena, she was Menelao¨s wife. Paris was in love of Elena, and they love to each other, and both of them decide flee from Greece and go to Troy.
When Menelao¨s discovered the Elenas¨s treason, he decided to attack Troy and recovered his wife. So Greeks before attacks Trojans decide ask help to Aquiles who was considered the best fighter ever, but he didn’t want support them.
Author: Homero
La Iliada is for my one of most exciting books that I have read.
This book talks about an epic history, a war history which apparently happened between Greece and Troy, eight hundred years B.C. Greece was commanded by Agamenon and his brother Menelao. And Troy was commanded by Hector and Paris.
The history begins when the Trojan Hector and his young brother Paris went to Greece for making peace alliances, on this trip Paris meet to a beautiful woman named Elena, she was Menelao¨s wife. Paris was in love of Elena, and they love to each other, and both of them decide flee from Greece and go to Troy.
When Menelao¨s discovered the Elenas¨s treason, he decided to attack Troy and recovered his wife. So Greeks before attacks Trojans decide ask help to Aquiles who was considered the best fighter ever, but he didn’t want support them.
So they attack to the Trojans, and Aquiles¨s cousin named Patroclo who belongs to Greek army was killed and the Greeks loose the battle.
The death of Patroclo enraged to Aquiles, and he decided help Greeks in the war against Troy, On this attack Hector dies, and the Trojans army decided took revenge and they fired a terrible attack to Greeks, and supposedly they won the war.
The day after battle, Trojans army founded on the coast many Greeks soldiers killed, and all the Greek army escape to their contry, and they also found in the sand a huge wood horse sculpture, and they thought this was a God¨s present for Trojan victory, but they didn’t know this was a tramp.
So Trojans decide introduce the "present" inside the city, but in the night when all Trojans were sleeping the best Greeks soldiers commanded by Aquiles went out the big horse, and they attack and burned all Troy city, killing to everyone, fortunately Paris during the attack took an arrow and injured to Aquiles, after that Paris and some Trojan soldiers took all women and children who survived to the atrack and escape to another place to reach safety themselves.
That is all about this great epic history, which talk about how love and men feelings can cause terrible wars between brothers, families, even countries.
La Iliada was writed by Homero, About his live mankind just know a litlle. He was a Greek, who lived on Greece berween (siglo II B.C.)
The death of Patroclo enraged to Aquiles, and he decided help Greeks in the war against Troy, On this attack Hector dies, and the Trojans army decided took revenge and they fired a terrible attack to Greeks, and supposedly they won the war.
The day after battle, Trojans army founded on the coast many Greeks soldiers killed, and all the Greek army escape to their contry, and they also found in the sand a huge wood horse sculpture, and they thought this was a God¨s present for Trojan victory, but they didn’t know this was a tramp.
So Trojans decide introduce the "present" inside the city, but in the night when all Trojans were sleeping the best Greeks soldiers commanded by Aquiles went out the big horse, and they attack and burned all Troy city, killing to everyone, fortunately Paris during the attack took an arrow and injured to Aquiles, after that Paris and some Trojan soldiers took all women and children who survived to the atrack and escape to another place to reach safety themselves.
That is all about this great epic history, which talk about how love and men feelings can cause terrible wars between brothers, families, even countries.
La Iliada was writed by Homero, About his live mankind just know a litlle. He was a Greek, who lived on Greece berween (siglo II B.C.)
That is known he was a blind writer, who belongs to middle class; he was a protected man by his sponsors, who were kings, and some high class members who paid important artist and writers for their jobs.
Homero was a patriot, for this reason we can say this history is a reflex of love and heroic patriotism what Homero felt by his country.
3 comentarios:
This book looks very interesting, If I could get it, I will read it. The stories about war and love are so nice because you understand the power of love to be more brave.
This book is amazing i haven´t read but i watched the movie and it made me cry. It has something that makes you think in how is the really love and loyality.
I like to read this book looks very nice... I saw the movie it was very good, the part that more impressive was that the only way of killing to Aquiles was hurting his heel... these epic books stimulate us to expand our imagination.
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