"Deportivo Cuenca" will win the Soccer National Championship this year; and Jefferson Pérez is planning to participate on the next olympics games, which would be great because he could win again another olympic medal.
About our country, Ecuador, the economy is decreasing because our president, there are less oportunities to get a job, everything is about taxes, more restrictions for the expression freedom, etc., but I'm sure it's going to change very soon. The Congress is going to dissolve, and because of this so many members will resign.
United States is continuing with the war against Irak, it seems unavoidable
to finish, but a lot of countries will contribute to get the peace between these two problematics countries, they're studing the way to make both of countries understand the several damage for the people it represents. how to get this? They're going to have a meeting with the presidents of each country, until this happen a lot of people will die.
A lot of new illnesses will appear, but at the same time cures for another will be discovered. Science is growing a lot every day in all the aspects, I mean, medicine, inventions, technoligies, etc. So, this is going to help us when we need it, fortunately for us.
2 comentarios:
I think you are a pessimistic guy and not a good Tarot reader. For me you are only right with the prediction of my Deportivo Cuenca and Jefferson Pérez. Good luck Cuenquita and Jefferson!!!
I thing that many things that yu predict will be truth because I predict more or less the same. But, about Deportivo Cuenca you say that will be the Champion and I hope that but I thing that the champion will be Liga de Quito. I hope that I am missed.
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