Tarot is a group of cards, its number depends of type of Tarot, since exist many of kinds of Tarots... These letters are characterized because they take printed diverse figures as: magicians, angels, demons, the death, the gentleman, etc.. I don't believe in this cards. But is entertains when somebody say to you that something that you want that it happen, but we must not influence ourselves with what they say to us, since alone God knows what was happening with us.
Well.... now I try to predict the future, I can see that in next year everything will be better for Ecuador... So the Presidet Rafael Correa will have a developer dream... it will help him to take the correct decisions, many people will come back to Ecuador, because there will be many work camps and they will be able to be again with their families, having a better well-being in our country. As consequence of this, the corruption will be diminished and Ecuador will be a big nation, with a great development in the agricultural area, we will be one of the biggest exporters of: fruits, seafood, etc.
As for sports: Ecuador's team will come to the world and it is possible that we gain our first world cup, as for the national championship the next years the champion will be "EL CUENQUITA"......
Whole world will think about the problem of Teh Global Warming, and they all will put a granite of sand in order that the planet recovers... This way that we will have a better future for our descent....
1 comentario:
Hi Verito I agree with your predictions but anyway I think that "El Cuenquita" will be the new winner of the national championship... jaja
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