martes, 9 de octubre de 2007

My city, Cuenca

Cuenca, is a beautiful city in Ecuador, it is located in the south, The city stands 8.315 feet above sea level. Cuenca is the capital and the biggest city in Azuay, and is the 3rd in Ecuador.
Cuenca was declared World Cultural Heritage Site on December 1999.
Cuenca is also called "Santa Ana de los Cuatro Rios de Cuenca", (Santa Ana from the four rivers of Cuenca), this name is because it has 4 rivers, Tomebamba, Yanuncay, Machangara and Tarqui, this 4 rivers are all across the city. Also the name of Guapondelig is veryknow in the city.
Cuenca is a city with a biggest past, Cuenca is rich in history and culture. The past of the spanish people perdures in the time, for example looking at the churches, streets, etc.
The tourism is very important in the city of Cuenca, we have a lot of people that come to visit and spend time here, but they are not just people from outside the country, they are also people from others cities in Ecuador. Cuenca has a lot of nice and interesting things to show, like the centre of the city, it`s very nice because it has oldest houses, nice churches and beautiful parks; then we can visit The Barranco, is a beautiful place next to the river Tomebamba were we can walk and watch the cotidiany life of Cuenca. 15 minutes from the city is The National Park Cajas, thats a nice place to see a lot of lakes and the nature. Gualaceo, Sigsig, and Chordeles are close little towns were you can found nice artesanies and good food. Something popular in the city are the Panama Hats. they are handmade. Another thing that takes the eyes of the visitors are the popular people that you can see in the city, wearing tipic clothes. Most of the tourist in anywhere of the world like to find good food, Cuenca is the indicated place, here we can find good gastronomy.
Thats is something i like to share with all about my city Cuenca.

2 comentarios:

lilia dijo...

Hello ,you Know many things about Cuenca and I like your article; I love Cuenca and I think that is the most beatiful city of the World.

geovanny dijo...

Cuenca is a big city and beautiful I am not here but always is novel knowing anything more of this city that opens yours doors.
We as residing temporary and you join, efforts to conserve and to continue for so long beautiful.